National BoatBuilding Challenge | Beaufort NC Wooden Boat Building Contest, 2011
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Boat Building Challenge Schedule

Saturday, May 4th

Wooden Boat Building Challenge

9:00am | Judge’s Meeting

10:30am | Builder’s Meeting

11:00am | Challenge Begins

3:00pm | Challenge Ends

3:15—3:30pm | Judging of Boats for Quality

4:00pm | Rowing Relay Race

5:30pm | Raffle Drawing & Awards Ceremony

Sunday, May 5th

Cardboard Boat Building Challenge

12:00pm | Challenge Begins

3:00pm | Challenge Ends

3:00pm | Rowing Race

4:00pm | Awards & Prizes


Here’s the Concept

Teams of two, boat plans, four hours, just enough wood to build a 12’ Carolina Bateau. Teams are judged on Speed, Quality, and a Rowing Race.

The Results

Some boats get finished, some do not. Some boats look like a boat, others have 2 left sides. Some are pretty, some are…..loved? Some actually float, sometimes not long enough! Oars might break, boats might sink, builders might swim, but someone always wins!